The happy life of a happy wife…

{April 20, 2011}   New website!

Well folks, my new site is up and running now… Please visit:

If you were previously subscribed by e-mail address I will try to transfer you over to the new site directly, but anyone linked through WordPress will need to re-subscribe.

{April 4, 2011}   Changes coming!

I’m probably going to be absent this week as I work on a new site…
It should look pretty spiffy!  🙂

{May 26, 2010}  

3 years ago today…  at about this time (or maybe a tidge earlier)… I got engaged 🙂

{May 13, 2010}   Emotional

So I’m really getting into this whole cooking thing.  Having always played it safe (baked chicken, no seasoning), trying new things requires a lot of courage for me.  Last night —  I decided I wanted to learn how to saute.  I think that’s how you spell it.  Saute?  Sautee?  Saute with a little dash over the e?

I was so proud of myself because I heated up my olive oil (which I had in stock!), generously seasoned my chicken with salt & pepper, and I sautéed up a storm of chicken tenders.  After the chicken was done, I added some real bacon pieces to my pan and let them sizzle for a while to have a nice bacon topping.  So my first saute job was a success…

… or so I thought…

Shane gave it his typical “chicken is overdone” review.  If you really know me, you know that my family is famous for overcooking our food.  Mom worries about making sure it’s well-done, which usually translates into over-done.

Normally it doesn’t bother me because that’s just how I like it since I grew up eating stringy chicken.  For some reason though, I got really upset by his critique last night.  What put me over the edge was when he said, “That’s an oxymoron – chicken tenders.”

I can see the humor in that comment now that I’m removed from my emotionally fragile state, but at the time it just made me burst into tears.  LOL  I felt like the typical newlywed, even though we’ve been married for almost two years.

With most men, the new wife has to compete with her mother-in-law’s cooking.  I, on the other hand, have to compete with my husband himself: God’s Gift to the Grilled Cheese.  You’d think even stringy chicken could hold its own against a grilled cheese sandwich, but then you’ve never had his grilled cheese 🙂

{May 8, 2010}   Psychopath Test:

I like this one… 

This is not a trick question.  It is as it reads.  No one I know  has gotten it right. Few people do.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know.  She thought this guy was amazing.  She believed him to be her dream guy so much that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him.  A few days later she killed her sister..

Question: What is her motive for killing her sister? Give this some thought before you answer,

 see answer below.                               

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et cetera