The happy life of a happy wife…

{March 29, 2011}   Spring Cleaning – The Pantry

Maybe it was the small thrill I got from cleaning off my kitchen countertops that made me want to tackle the pantry…  or maybe it was the fact that I went to Target and there wasn’t any place to put the groceries away…  or maybe I was just bored and sick of watching tv.

Whatever the reason, I started cleaning out my pantry.  Before I knew it, my entire kitchen was a WRECK and I was trying to claw my way out from under it.  I threw out all of the expired food and whatever was open and stale.

I got rid of this:

And this:

And this:

It was extremely rewarding, but at the same time I was pretty disgusted by how much food we waste.  The stuff goes in the pantry and will inevitably be pushed to the back and forgotten about.  So my plan for now is to not buy food unless it will be on the weekly menu.  If I’m not going to use then what’s the point in buying it, right?

So my pantry looks pretty good now, eh?  I can’t believe how much more space I have! LOL!

Now it’s all organized…

…and I can even see the floor!  All those empty boxes (why did we save the empty boxes?) are gone!

Even though most of the food fell under the “recently expired” or “open and stale” categories, there were a few things that were “grossly expired”

I don’t even like these, so why the heck did I buy them??

And the grand prize goes to:

Click on the linky below and show me your own before and after pantry or countertop pictures!  I can’t wait to see the progress you have made in your own kitchens 🙂

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I’m far too nervous to tackle my pantry – god only know how much stuff Ill have to throw away!

hahaha I was shocked by how many boxed cake mixes I had!! I almost never use them, but I just can’t resist buying them when they go on sale 🙂

All I can say is Holy Crap…literally! That was a lot of stuff…good plan to only buy things you are planning to use that week…what a waste…(I did the same a few months ago right before moving and was horrifies!)

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